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Anyone Lucky Enough To Getr Out On The Water Today In Sydney


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What a sensational day it was today as the tittle says ANYONE LUCKY ENOUGH TO GO FOR A FISH TODAY


The office (not mine unfortunately) overlooks Hyde park, Domain etc and we have a view from the Opera House through to the Heads and eastern suburbs, so I get a good view of the harbour if I go around and have a look. It did look really good today, though it seemed there were only a few boats out :1fishing1: .

If reckon if I borrow a theodlite and check bearings & distances I could probably map all the spot X's with enough time, just from working out were the boats always anchor (though I dont fish in Sydney harbour).

Quite depressing really when it is such a great day & you are stuck in the office :(

Tomorrow, tomorrow......looks even better :1fishing1:

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got out last night and picked up squid in the hacking, came home, slept in till 7 then hit the harbour and middle harbour. Harbour was quiet for me and middle harbour fired. Kings in dirty brown water.. there was no shortage of them at all.

tried back in the harbour at around 1300 but it started blowing which made downrigging a pain in the ass.

Great day and eneded up with a tan as well!!!

My best mate that now lives in melbourne fished with me today. Got him on his first king and showed him why he should come back to sydney full time!!!!

Love this city!

Edited by VA911
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