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hey guys just came back from a weekend at swansea. on saterday we headed down the coast halfway between catherine hill bay and swansea and bottom bounced for a while. all we got was your usual reef speices consisting of jackets, wrasse, sargent bakers (including a big one on e plastic) and a suprize catch of a nice tarwhine.

that afternoon we headed out for a quick session around moon island and found a school of salmon working. the were very finicky only taking the smallest sp we had but landed 2 around 50cm on 4lb tackle.

on sunday we headed down towards catherine hill bay again but this time we found a school of much bigger salmon feeding on any thing that moved.first cast into the school and i was hooked up staight away. after 15-20 minutes of running around the boat and lossing large amounts of line i landed a pb 70cm salmon on 4lb. we managed one more salmon of around 67cm on 8lb and then lost the school.


my 70cm salmon

p.s for all the game fishos out there we heared of a few marlin being raised.


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Nice Chunky Salmon That Is ,Top catch

Here Is A Great Way To Cook Em ,

Place On Large Foil Wrap ,

Marinate With Olive Oil , Parcley , Heaps Of Corrianda , Chilli , lemon , Peprika & Some Rock Salt

Close The Foil Wrap Tightley & Cook On The Gas BBQ Closed On Low heat For Approx 10mins Per Side

& You Are Chearing Mate!!! :1clap:

Ive Found Its The Best Way To Give Salmon Flavour???

Let Us Know What Ya Think


Dr Dato

Edited by Dr Dato
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