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Harbour Report

King slayer

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Nothing too extravagant to report but we did have some fun over the weekend.

Friday I had a day off and my mate was fishing in the harbour at the north end. I jumped on the boat at a last minute decision, caught a few flatties, one under(squid), one jumped off at the boat (old salted slimey) and to my suprise a 60 cm Salmon took an old salted slimey filet! My mate got two nice flatties on SP's, all in about two hours. The water temp was around 17 deg where we were. We cooked those up for lunch and planned the 'serious session' tomorrow....

Saturday we tried our hand at down rigging which is very new to us and despite live squid and yakkas, razor straight hooks, baits and rigs, we couldn't stop our baits spinning and gave up one that one till next time.

My theory is that maybe the baits were too far back, and/or the slowest speed of the motor was not slow enough??? Any thoughts here friends?

After a quick bite it was off to the heads to see about soaking some livies for a king or three. Came accross an impressive school of salmon busting up everywhere, and out of a good 7-8 boats throwing everything at them, only one guy got a few shy ones with a one inch metal. I tried the same, but i think my little 2500 just can't rip it fast enough. We chased them for ages then gave up for a bottom bash further around. One of the livies got smashed pretty quick so we thought maybe a little king that didn't know it was hooked or maybe a big flattie...no, it was cursed Baker! :mad3::mad3::mad3:

Mal de mere set in with the left over beer in our systems from last night so we headed in for an SP flattie session to cap off the day. Seems they weren't as cooperative as yesterday, but my mate hooked a nice little trev of about 40cm on a power minnow which was first for him.

that was it, back in for beer and prepare for Manly's crushing defeat of Auckland which we had tickets for later on!

I was so tired on Sunday after a biggish weekend but with the high tide right after dark, I just had to try my new favourite LB spot at sun set for a SP Jew. I managed a nice sized flattie for dinner which jumped on right at my feet and a squid which I switch baited after he followed the sp twice, but no Jew for me. I even threw the squid out for a bit before giving up. But a flattie is better than a punch in the face so I went home to bed.

All in all an enjoyable weekend full of sunshine and piscatorial pleasure..to coin a phrase.. thanks Rex!

Good to see the water warming up and the fish biting again.


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Hay dude, I was out there chasing the same salmon run as you.

That guy with the small white side console boat wearing a cap with the small metal lure was killing it.

Where you the guys in the ally tinny with the straw hats throwing the livies around?(you asked me what they where.....and I said kingies but I was wrong)

Mate I got one, salmon that is, fowl hooked to my surprise.

Mate they where feeding on very smal bait and I went to the tackel shop the next day and scored a small white lure used for such occasions, so im told.

We gave up as well, but what a good day to be on the water...... :1fishing1: got scorched by the sun. no 30+ for me, I forgot it :mad3:

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