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Open / Closed Waters.


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FYI, Raiders, after looking at another thread, there seems to be a little bit of confusion as to what constitutes open and closed waters for safety & equipment purposes in Syd Harbour.

There is a flagstaff on the inner side of Quarantine. If you take a line from this across to the lighthouse on South Head, that is the line between open and closed waters. Anywhere outside of this requires ALL the open water safety equipment necessary on your vessel, even if you are technically still between the heads.

Just thought some Raiders might like this clarified.

Cheers, tuffy.

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Thankyou Tuffy. glad you confirmed it.

I Have seen it on an older map with the points as you mention but on the current one it isn't shown. I thought it would be written down on the waterways site but at first glance couldn't find it. I'm sure it is there somewhere

It is also interesting that Q station as they now call it ( jokers) had bought a tough old wooden ferry and done it up to survey limits for enclosed waters but waterways wouldn't allow it into service at Q station as it going to travel outside the smooth water limit . It was noted that no wooden boat would get thet survey as a passenger ferry in taht area. The q station owners were not impressed


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