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Sydney Wide, Monday 14th Feb


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G'day lads,

a friend of mine sent me this by e-mail today, and said I could post it on Fishraider. Hope everyone finds it interesting, cheers to all, Andrew



Got an early start yesterday morning and met my mate, Evan who owes a Marlin Broad-bill with 4 stroke Honda twin 90s and almost as much gear as (another friend of ours.)

After loading up the bait tank with yellow tail from a sea wall just east of Sydney airport we headed straight out to a FAD about 23kms wide of Botany Bay.

On the way out we noticed water temp in the late 21 degrees category and touching 22 degrees out wide. We were the only boat at the FAD and were catching good size dolphin fish on live bait at surface and larger "Dollys" down to 30 metres. Had some good hook ups, and then ET showed up with camera crew in his flash Haines Hunter pulling plastic. So... maybe I'll be on TV because we were the only boat catching stuff.

About 10am we pulled stumps and headed to The Peak where all the usual charter boats and trailer boats were congregated. Not much happening there so we when moved to the Water Board buoy just wide of Bondi Beach and caught small Kingfish on live bait. Larger Kingfish below the surface were not interested.

Moved onto The Colours and had no action. About 1pm moved back to Botany Bay South Head and dropped a line for a quick bottom bash and had a good result almost immediately when I hooked onto a 3kg Snapper.

All in all a good day, and as the water temps gradually move up I am sure we will be in for a great Kingfish/ Marlin season.


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Nice one Andy!

Shame you were not out there enjoying those conditions.

It looks like I could have got the Polycraft out there and done a little slow trolling on the leccy :1prop:  :1prop:  :1yikes:

Nice snapper as well!


Yes mate it is a shame but work comes first, unfortunately. Fingers crossed that we can get out on Thursday, for a half-day. Great to hear from you, all the best, Andrew

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  • 2 weeks later...
G'day lads,

About 1pm moved back to Botany Bay South Head and dropped a line for a quick bottom bash


how far off shore were you?

i'm heading out tomorrow and the weather looks good for a bottom bounce close in.

i'm solo if anyone wants a late start (about 9:30am at cooks river) returning about 4pm depending on..........

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