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Holy Great Bait Batman


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Hiya Raiders, I was in a fishing store the other day, chatting with the helpful assistant, about catching live bait. Despite selling things marked Bait Nets he said to get live bait you need to use a rod and bait jigs. My look suggested that this seemed to contradict selling bait nets - but I didn't have the time, and he didn't have the willingess to discuss.

So what is the consensus from the legendary Fishraider braintrust on bait.

He also said that to really get squid you should use a squid jig and a pillie. Whaddaya reckon?

Thanks and regards


Its not about catching fish, but it helps

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By bait nets you mean cast nets?? because they are illegal in NSW. If they were bait traps then they are ok and are average at catching poddies, but have not seen them used on yakka's etc. I would agree with the tackle shop guy, a bait jig is the easiest way to catch bait fish and a small hook under a float is the best way to get poddies. As for squid i use jigs and have never really tried the pillie on a spike method...

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Yeah mate, bait jigs are the way to go...

The Squid thing hasn't proved too successful for me personally, but have seen people clean up with it...

Comes down to what the fish/squid want when your there I suppose, and how well you can sell your bait/jib/lure to them...



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