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Dear fellow Fisho's

I have been chasing jewwies for ages in the Port Hacking. Just about given up. I have tried to get some squid but have had no luck (how frustrating!!!) Any hints on how to get either

Hi quaddy :1welcomeani: to Fishraider

You can get your squid off Wallys Wharf in Dolan's Bay and it would pay you to reserve a separate night session just for squidding. The last three hours of the run out tide works best and you could also use a chem light fitted into a plastic sleeve just above the squid jig. Your line goes thru the tube and the chem light also acts as a sliding wedge.

It's a good idea at this time of the year to use mullet for bait as well as squid for your jewfish. There should be plenty of medium size mullet at Swallow Rock wharf and you need to use bread for burley with tuna oil thinly spread like vegamite sandwiches and squeeze the bread around the hook shank and also to hide the barb without penetrating the bread with the barb.

The best jewfish spots I know are on the outside or inside depending on flow in the 60' section in Burraneer Bay not far from Water Street boat ramp, the run thru Shiprock Point outside the marine sancturay to Lily Pilli a section known as the mad mile, and also in line with the moored boats in a bout 18metres of water, fishing at the front or back of the boats depending on tide in Gunnamatta Bay.

Hope this helps


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

Edited by jewgaffer
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