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Kurnell Landbased 15/10


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Howdy everyone,

Decided to get up at the crack of dawn and go for a fish off the rocks at kurnell. Been trying the past couple of months to land my first legit blackfish on cabbage/weed (caught a 20cm version on peeled prawn in june) and thought today would be my lucky day. I couldn't make it to the usual spot to collect some cabbage as the tide was in to high so used some weed for a couple of hours with no luck. Finally at the turn of the tide I was able to make it out to my cabbage collecting spot favourite spot. About 5mins after my first cast there was a rude jerk on my rod and it was on....for about 30seconds til my line went slack and watched my float drift off into the distance... my leader line was snapped off on the rocks... it felt like a thumper and peeled a bit of line off my reel which surprised the hell out of me as the drag is set to around the 3kg mark (Browning Tf1035, 20lb Braid, Strudwick 2-4kg 7ft 1pc, 12lb leader(primarily a flick stick for flatties)) which I didnt think would give a blackie an inch...maybe I was wrong. After 5hrs on fishing with nothing on the bite besides that dissapointment I called it quits, nice day out even though it was overcast, heading out tomorrow to hopefully catch a potential winner.


Edited by woodch0p
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Howdy everyone,

Decided to get up at the crack of dawn and go for a fish off the rocks at kurnell. Been trying the past couple of months to land my first legit blackfish on cabbage/weed (caught a 20cm version on peeled prawn in june) and thought today would be my lucky day. I couldn't make it to the usual spot to collect some cabbage as the tide was in to high so used some weed for a couple of hours with no luck. Finally at the turn of the tide I was able to make it out to my cabbage collecting spot favourite spot. About 5mins after my first cast there was a rude jerk on my rod and it was on....for about 30seconds til my line went slack and watched my float drift off into the distance... my leader line was snapped off on the rocks... it felt like a thumper and peeled a bit of line off my reel which surprised the hell out of me as the drag is set to around the 3kg mark (Browning Tf1035, 20lb Braid, Strudwick 2-4kg 7ft 1pc, 12lb fluro(primarily a flick stick for flatties)) which I didnt think would give a blackie an inch...maybe I was wrong. After 5hrs on fishing with nothing on the bite besides that dissapointment I called it quits, nice day out even though it was overcast, heading out tomorrow to hopefully catch a potential winner.


hows it goin woodchop,sounds to me by the way that fish took the bait it was more than likely a solid drummer or rock blackfish, you need a fair bit of luck to land one of those bruisers on luderick gear particularly if you are only learning to catch blackfish at the moment.

Its moments like this that keep us going back though.People who dont fish, dont understand.

hope you get a nice feed of blackies soon! If your fishing from the rocks always try and keep your float in some milky coloured water you will get more bites that way. good luck!


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