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Middle Harbour Shenanigans


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This is my first post and was hoping to introduce myself with heroic feats of my first kingie/jewie etc but this story was way to weird to not tell. Was out LB for kingies in the harbour early this morning when one of the guys alongside us cast his rod out and laid it down for 2 seconds, something smashed the bait and the rod slid into the harbour and coasted off into the wild blue yonder never to be seen again :05: ... or so we thought

About five minutes later a guy fishing off the wall about 20m up from us who was casting lures pulled out a rod and reel he hooked up. He then discovered a large fish still hooked up ... Yes it wa the one and same rod and reel. :tease:

Following a short fight a thumper fat 69 cm salmon was netted. :thumbup:

Thinking someone should be buying a lottery ticket. :biggrin2:

Other than that nothing of mention was caught but a fun morning was had.

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