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What Braid To Use?


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Hi guys, just bought myself a birthday present. Daiwa Opus Bull 6000, and a Livefibre RLF8 10-15k rod. Looking to spool it with 30lb braid and running 25lb flouro leader... The question is what braid to choose, what are the advantages/disatvantages of the different types.

Look forward to reading your opinions :1fishing1:


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Hi Alasdair,

I'm assuming you'll be targeting kings, maybe jewies with that sort of outfit??

If i was you i would probably put some Sufix Perfomance Braid on it, its great quality with a very nice texture and is very well suited to fishing for bigger, stronger fish.

You could even go up to 40 or 50lb if you wanted, depends on what you're targeting and where you're fishing though.


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Cheers guys.

I have fireline on one of my lighter outfits and am pretty happy with it. From what I've read the guys that fish with the stronger breaking strains don't seem to rate it as much.

Hi Josh, yep hopefully get into some kings :1prop:

Have looked up the Sufix performance and it seems to have some fans, might have to give it a try..

Thanks again :thumbup:


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Cheers guys.

I have fireline on one of my lighter outfits and am pretty happy with it. From what I've read the guys that fish with the stronger breaking strains don't seem to rate it as much.

Hi Josh, yep hopefully get into some kings :1prop:

Have looked up the Sufix performance and it seems to have some fans, might have to give it a try..

Thanks again :thumbup:


I would put 30-50lb Sensor or Fins on it. I am not a fan of Suffix (my personal opinion so don't shoot me down). Your leader should be a bit heavier for mine. Maybe 50lb. I assume you are after Kings and Jews etc... :1prop:

You are right about the heavier Fireline.. very stiff and a bit cumbersome.

Edited by Cephalopod
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