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Mh Harbour 8/11/08


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Hi Raiders,

Went out looking for the Salmon on Sat morning, and not a single bit of surface activity around

North head all the way around to Manly, even the birds were looking lost.

Headed back into North harbour and picked up some squid, and a very angry moray eel that destroyed

some very expensive squid fishing tackle :ranting2:

So with siome squid on board, we started after the kings, went around to Clifton Gardens and the kings were smashing up the surface within casting range of the jetty, our squid completed his mission round

the cans without incident so we went off into middle harbour.

Saw another raider , Kingiemaster battling a king out of his canoe near the spit


it looked like a lot of fun, his DIY downrigger looked cool

By now the morning had dragged on, and I was supposed to be at a BBQ for lunch @ 2pm with a fish,

but like many raiders would, I was still fishing at 12.30, when after passing many schools of unresponsive

kings the rod unclipped from the downrigger and the charter special is screaming its head off. I grab it out

of the holder, put it into full strike and set the hook and the fish takes off, the road is doubled over and a couple of passing canoeist stop to watch the show. No sooner had it started, it was over, the fish was gone and the line limp in the water. The guy in the canoe starts chatting to me and says he was keen to watch the show and disappointed I'd lost the fish

As I chatted back to him, the rod buckles over and still set on full drag starts screaming off the reel and almost jettisoned out of my hands, by this time

we had drifted towards a big moored Catamaran, and the king was charging full steam ahead along the surface towards its propellers. With the king now on the surface and within striking distance of the props, it was all or nothing and the drag was pushed to sunset with the hope that everything would hold

my mate put the boat back into gear and we skull dragged the king into clear water as he was pulled form the Cat, he headed straight for the bottom so the drag was pushed back to full strike, but it was an easy battle as he had nothing but middle harbour mud beneath him.

He was netted a short time latter and went 78cm, although I didn’t weight him it was a very long and skinny

fish so not sure what he would have weighed.


(Hey, they do look better when you hold them closer to the camera :1prop: )

We time against us we tried for another fish ( it was 12.45) but we had to go and headed back to the ramp.

I went to get the car, when I came back to the ramp, Troy and the boat where no longer tied up to the ramp

A boat had broken down in the channel and needed a tow back, even though we were running very late,

we gave them a tow back to the ramp - It was a cool boat - well not a boat really but a wake boarding machine and it was funny watching my 1975 1/2 cab in drab orange drag this brand new start of the art wakeboat back to the ramp - didn’t get a photo as the camera was still on the boat. We practised catch and release (whats the min size on wakeboats anyway?) the guys were rescued where very happy, and were goign to give me a late note (shes a teacher) explaining the rules of the sea....

Got home at 1.50pm - but was in luck, the new wife couldn’t decide which shoes to wear

( to a BBQ - i was going to wear thongs!) so wasn’t ready anyway

The King was great on the BBQ - just lemon salt and pepper, cooked medium rare yum!


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Hi Jason, A great catch - both king and wakeboat.

I am actually more impressed with your signature - selling the fishing gear - that is some funny sh1T - EVEN MY WIFE HAD A LAUGH

Very witty my friend.

Hope to meet you on the water sometime


Edited by tan the fisherman
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