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Hi there fellow raiders,

Just though i could help everyone learn from my dumb mistake.Went fishing last night got home at about 0430 this morning ,to tied to take rods in & clean do it in the morning.Guess what :ranting2: went outside to ute in my drivewayat about 0745 :mad3: now i have lost 2 surf rods &2 little combo sets. Please learn from me DON'T leave your gear anywhere some unkind person will find it.


Hi there fellow raiders,

Just though i could help everyone learn from my dumb mistake.Went fishing last night got home at about 0430 this morning ,to tied to take rods in & clean do it in the morning.Guess what :ranting2: went outside to ute in my drivewayat about 0745 :mad3: now i have lost 2 surf rods &2 little combo sets. Please learn from me DON'T leave your gear anywhere some unkind person will find it.



Check your insurance as sporting equipment inside your property may be covered since it happened when you just popped inside for a minute.

I can never understand how thieves notice things when it is half dark and on your property. Seems to happen more at this time of year.

Do police report with a photo as if you are super lucky the scumbag will get caught doing another crome and may be stupid to have held onto the rods or reels.

Hope they get tetnus and some pain



That sucks, i hate people like that who can't get their own life so just ruin others instead.

Good advice from Pelican, try to get some sort of compensation.



Geez pal that is a bit hard can you reconize your stuff go search the hock shops if you can id your stuff I wuold go to the coppers get it back and have ahope of getting these assailent aR$@!s

Posted (edited)

This shit happens all too often... :thumbdown:

Sorry to hear about your loss mate, I know what it feels like.

Edit: And yes, definitely go the insurance route if you can, it saved me in a similar situation.



Edited by Tony Soprano

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