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Awsome Fun On The Salmon

King slayer

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Went out on the harbour in search of kings on Sunday.

We tried a new squid spot for one of our best sessions ever, got some massive Calamari and lost too many as well. Things were looking up with good weather, plenty of squid and a boat load of promise.

First stop our favourite marker, two kingie rods deployed and two light baits for fun while we wait. Burley goes out...First drop on the light rod my mate pulls up a healthy 36cm snapper, which by harbour standards is ok; we were looking forward to a bag load of those guys!! Second drop, same bait gets it again with as much force, but it's a trevor. few more trevors came in but then all was quiet.

long story short we spent the next four hours moving to different markers and structure for nothing at all, except one leathery which regurgitated more than one or two of or fresh squid baits!!

Tried our normally productive flattie spots for nothing and decided to head back about 1pm.

This is where the fun starts!! We noticed birds all over the place between Quarantine, middle head and dobroyd and a few boats following...Then big splashes scattered around, but not like the salmon we were chasing th last few weeks, there was less or no nervous water, just a few boils. I thought..Oh man, it could be kings.. So rigged up an un weighted squid head, threw it into a boil up and WHAMMO! I'm on to a sizable opponent. Got her to the boat and it was a good size Salmon! Spat the hook right there...

We couldn't pin point where they were holding so we tossed out two Rapala minnows and towed them around.

From then on for the next hour or more we could barely get the rods in the holders before they were smashed and we were on again. Plenty on double hook ups.

We thought it would be fun to try the light gear, so first I threw out a pink squidgy which was inhaled and the hook straightened! I decided at that point to loosen the drag as I was running 10lb braid and leader on a 2-4kg rod normally for squid, bream and flatties etc. Rigged him up with the rapala and smashed over and over again, it was so much fun! I was very impressed with my little out fit as these fish were 3-4 kgs easy! We even got a little chopper amongst them.

Left them on the bite after 3pm and we had some tired arms too! Kept a couple for the families as they always complain when we tell them we throw these guys back. I won't eat em though.

Good fun,but no kingies. Looking back we should have down rigged with some squid to see if kingies were there too, but hind sight is 20/20 and wewere having too much fun anyway.

Bring on the next session!


Haven't had that much fun in ages, I

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That does sound like great fun Dave.

I don't know if i could bring myself to leaving fish on the bite. Sound like some pretty good fish at that size, did you see what they were feeding on?

Pretty good snapper as well, not many legal ones are pulled out of the harbour.



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That does sound like great fun Dave.

I don't know if i could bring myself to leaving fish on the bite. Sound like some pretty good fish at that size, did you see what they were feeding on?

Pretty good snapper as well, not many legal ones are pulled out of the harbour.



Yeah they were feeding on whitebait, but they took blue, white and pink lures, and squid, so they weren't fussy like in past weeks at times. We hooked I'd say 20 fish or more!

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