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Lake Macquarie


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Spent time on Sunday morning in the lake near the town of Summerland Point. Normally we do alright for flatties, perhaps the rain had scared them off as it was pretty quiet.

We got one bream that was about 28cm and this small Cobia. Funny thing since the netters have gone we've been getting quite a few of these. Don't normally keep them, but as we didn't have much in the bag....

Has anyone else noticed the change in fish in the last couple of years there? A lot more Jews are being caught, but to be honest, far fewer flatties.


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Dont mean to rain on your parade covanova but that Cobias so undersized its not funny. You should of put straight back to grow into at least a juvinelle, I hope fisheries dont veiw these sights because if they did you woud be copping a heafty fine in the mail.

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In all of the information that I have on NSW, there's no limit, and that's why we kept it. If there is, please let me know, as there's heaps in the lake.

I guess it also brings up the old chestnut of which actually does the most harm.... keeping Juveniles, or keeping mature, healthy strong breeding stock?

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Apparently there isn't a legal size limit for cobia in NSW. In which case this would be a legal fish. The only limitation would be a daily bag limit of 20.

If the cobia is related to the yellowtail kingfish (which I've read somewhere) then you'd think the size limit for kingies would also apply to the cobia. But I guess that's Fisheries for you. They still say you can keep a flathead over 70cm which I don't agree with at all.

madsmc (Shane Carroll)


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It's funny, we never used to get the larger bream. Now we're getting them often. I am certian that there's a balance shift in the lake. We're getting far fewer squid (only a handful in the last couple of years) when it wasn't uncommon to get a dozen while fishing for flatties with a jig sitting over the side.

I reckon we'll start getting a lot more smaller flathead than we used to as fewer of them get netted. It's amazing how things change in such a dynamic system. And now the Jewfish are back, no doubt chasing the big mullet that the netters used to take in.

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Yeah good point, ive heard the same. Squid are few and far between and the ones you get are bigger. Perhaps this is a sign of the Jewies moving back in feeding on the squid. Maybe they like baby flatties as well. Sharks are also moving in too which changes the balance. Either way the fishing overall is on the improve based on what ive heard. Great news. :biggrin2:

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My apoligies, it appers that there is no size limit in NSW. There is one in QLD (where I have fished for then before) of 75cm. So covanova your well within your right to take the fish. Hey, not my thing but each to there own I geusse.

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