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My Lbg Trip To New Zealand


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I have been reading this site for a while and have finally caught a decent enough fish to post. Me and my friend J man, sick of seeing others catching big kingies on TV decided to head over to New Zealands North Island for some land based game fishing. Met up with a top tour guide and after 3 hours of trecking finally arrived at our destination. Took a while catching our live bait (huge salmon called kawai, ones that I would be extremely happy with in Sydney, the bigger the better apparently) only to put them under a balloon and wait for the action to come to us.

It wasnt long before the balloon started to head out to sea and the reel started to squeal. 25 minutes later with the gaff in its side we pulled in this nice kingie. Best fishing trip ever. I would be happy just catching the live bait all day!!




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Awesome fish Covo. Great way to start posting! :thumbup: Welcome to the site mate.

In the third pic there is a big splash to your left...What was that???

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Thanks, the place we went to was Cape Regeina (sp?) it was the northern most tip of the Island....Its a fair hike especially when u got to carry all the gear in and the fish out!. I was also wondering what the splash was in the 3rd pic...its actually a seagull!!

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Our plan all along was to get rid of the dead weight to some unsuspecting neighbour, then educate the elite :1prop:

seems to have worked

...Oh and covo just took the Aussie kingfish quota from our waters so the rest of you are outta luck :1prop:

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Hey Wombat, that would be Long white cloud, me thinks.


Heh! Heh! Yeah OK JD thanks mate. It was late at night and the third red had something to do with the Engrish......hick! I will try to do better. I was better at science.

Wombat :risata:

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