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Solo Deep Water Flatties.


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Hi Guys,

Just a brief report of my Saturday adventure. I was lost for a crew with guys away, guys playing sport and other fall backs hungover... i was desperate for a fish and i was prepared to go it alone in order to get my fix, i managed to con the girlfriend into coming along for the ride for her first look at offshore fishing.

I launched the boat solo, and discovered that the keel rollers have siezed up making life difficult, a few burly blokes came to my assistance and gave a shove whilst i applied some reverse throttle and i was afloat. I ran around to collect the lady from como marina, then pointed then nose for the heads at 40kn in glass flat conditions. The further towards the heads i got the smoother it became, where i was blasting out at 30kn into the blue!

I pulled up in 36m and pulled out my new Shimano Trinidad 14 and Black magic rod which i was keen to blood, at this point my lovely girlfriend pulled out the net and exclaimed that she was ready once i'd hooked dinner... great...

The drift was quite slow, but a combo if servo pilchards and squid saw plently of tiddlers were being sent back.. The first keeper was a nice jacket, then a pidgeon pair of 40cm keeper flatties.. I was hoping for some better sized models and i wasn't disapointed, i got a sold hit on the trinidad and felt some weight.. a brief fight later and i swung a 50 something cm sandy on board.. Net girl, resting in the cabin with a mild case of sea sickness was of no help and could only offer "can we go back yet"...knowing only too well the wreched feeling of mal de mere, i relented and said we'd leave once i'd wound in the other rod.. tap tap... whack! i was on again, even more weight and another great flattie hit the deck...

I turned around as i was cleaning up the deck for the trip back to "that hot chip place we passed on the way out" i saw the tell tale shimmer of a howling wind change, then i got hit with 25kn+ of wind straight from the south!.. so i trimmed the nose up and made haste for the bay where we spent the rest of the afternoon anchored up in frenchmans bach out of the wind, the water was about 22 degrees and i traded the rod and reel for a swim.

Top day to be out.

Cheers Sam




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Nice work Sammy, good onya for getting the misses out, pity she was a bit sick but the more she comes out the more she'll get used to it me thinks.

Love the Flat ones, got a few on Saturday too and boy do they taste good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :thumbup:

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good stuff mate... but you FAIL without the #1 decky on board!

Well done Sam :thumbup:

I don't think he fails Chris, he just falls a bit shorter :D and he is a bit shorter, that's all.


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

Edited by jewgaffer
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Chris, you will be welcome back on board as soon as you have taken the form of an attractive young female... and still know how to swing a net... and re bait hooks.... and not get sick....

The Flatties will hit the plate tonight, nom nom!

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