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Buying Braid From The Internet


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Hey Guys

Just searching on X-Bay there are some braids out there that are cheap but I am not sure if they are high quality.

Can some give me some advice on buying braid from the internet.



Edited by Kirkby
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Sometimes you'll come across good buys like that steve but you never know what you may end up with, i've bought stuff of there claiming to be good braid and it was bloody mono so i don't go near ebay any more, much better to get it from a tackle shop be it in person or online.


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Hey Swordie

Just looking at the braid for sale there are no bids on the spool. Would it still be worth bidding for.



just put a bid for it, if it comes to a point where its too expensive, then stop bidding.

i once got 1200yd 50lb power pro for $65USD. so sometimes its not all shite. its really luck and how many is wanting the item at the time

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