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Lake Jindabyne - 27/12


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Went out in the afternoon after a large storm had passed through the area.

put the boat in at the snowline boat ramp and started trolling 2 lines - one flat line and one on the downrigger, both with tassie devils. trolled past lion island and the first couple of bays without any strikes so decided to hit the other end of the lake.

once we arrived up at the other end we threw the same setup out and began trolling again. went about 200m before the flat line hooked up a 44cm rainbow trout pretty much straight in front of the ranger's hut. Seeing as the missus' rod was the one that got smashed she got to wind it in! i was surprised how hard the rainbow smashed the lure and leapt out of the water, but then it didn't put up too much of a fight thought untill it saw the boat.

once it was landed and happy snaps taken we went back to trolling, however the wind came up strong again so we decided to head back and get some ingredients to cook the trout before the shops closed.

wrapped it in foil with garlic, butter, dill and pepper and threw it on the coals in the wood fired pizza oven and it tasted absolutely fantastic.


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Nice bow gang, was it a pink tassie that did the trick??

Well done.


Roffo :beersmile:

PS, Many snakes about ?? A mate of mine was there 2 weeks ago and he saw 4 in 2 days..

nah it was a yellow "little devil" 7gram.

didn;t see any snakes, but there is always heaps around down there this time of year!

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