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Spit Canoe Kings 10012009


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Howdy Raiders,

Haven't posted lately due to xmas etc....and nothing to report. Been out a few times but no joy.

Have been going for Jews more than Kings lately which has meant experimentation and no results. That's my excuse anyway.

Headed out this early'ish morning in the old canoe with the goal of getting some squid from the Spit and fishing the outgoing tide off Clontarf for a Jewie.

Started off well with one squid in the tank then dropped a couple. Kept trying for more squid only to be rudely interrupted by Kings exploding on the surface around me. Left the squid jig down while I threw lures around to no avail. So put the live squid on my Kingie outfit and just let it drift out the back unweighted.

10-15 minutes later the rod buckles over and I'm on. Only problem now was that I had got a little too close to a mooring and had to fight the fish within a meter of it. With a bit of mucking around and being very careful I managed to keep it away from it and brought it in.


Went 75

When I was gutting it I found these in it's belly.


Didn't catch any squid during and after all this.

Tried a for a Jewie off Clontarf as planned but no joy.

Next session, The Kingie Social. Looking forward to meeting some fellow Raiders.



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Nice work mate.

What time did you get him? We saw lots of bait on the surface but not being attacked at the end of the 8knot zone when we went through around 530-6 and had a few casts but didn't draw any action. We then went and unsuccessfully squid fished at middle head and saw a lot of birds working back where the bait had been but (regrettably now) continued trying for squid. Were there some good bust ups there?



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What time did you get him?

I think it was about 630 as it wasn't that long after I hit the water which was about 5:30. It's possible that it was the same school chasing slimies in with the tide. Another boat tied off on the 1st mooring got a similar sized fish half an later on a live cuttlie (their only one, they had trouble getting squid as well). Went quiet after that.

Were there some good bust ups there?

Yep, big time. For second there I thought they were dolphins or, gulp, sharks. Certainly wasn't your usual chopper or salmon surface activity. Wasn't concentrated either. They were busting up here there and everywhere, sometimes within 50 feet of the shore.



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