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Kingies On The Troll


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What looked like being a really bad day, tyring to tie wind on leaders for an hour then finding i bought a dodgy line, then going to the car to find I'd got a ticket, almost didn't bother putting the boat in the water, thankfully I did. Even though the swell was picking up, my faith in my boat was running high, so i decided to troll wide outside the heads and head down south. I've been watching birds working the waters off Coogee and Bondi the last few days so my hopes were high. Sure enough after about 30mins the Marlin Brothers 30 starts screaming, awesome. After a small fight brought a 94cm King into the boat, thats dinner sorted, then Nath's rod goes off, hadn't got mine back in yet, another King comes on board. The fishfinder is showing a good school thats moving fast, so we kept turning and doing runs up and down, getting strikes every pass, this is what fishing is about...woohoo. We're heading up for another pass, the 30 screams again, Nath grabs it, forgets totally to set the lever and strikes mid air, you've never seen a birds nest quite like it, cost me around 250m of line..plonka. Just had to reel in over the top of the birds nest, a little rat comes over the side. We continued fishing this mad bite, as anyone would, I had to let my lure out again to get to the nest, then cut the line and handed it to my girlfriend to pull the lure back in, I'm sure you know whats coming, one minute she's pulling the line in, next thing she running to the back of the boat screaming her hands are getting cut, A King has smashed the lure as she was pulling it in, so gave it a wrap around the hitch on the side so she could pull it in, and bless her she did just that.

I've got to tell you guys, its one of the best days fishing I've had in along time, kept a couple and let the rest go, didn't need anymore, what a fantastic day. Now I'm really looking forward to the Kingfish social..might even bring my secret weapon(the girlfriend)....lol

Cheers Tobe

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Sounds like a great day Tobe - good on ya for braving the average conditions.

What lures were you using if you don't mind me asking?

Cheers Jim

Hi Jim,

Well Nath was using an 85g Raider and I was on a 5" Rainbow coloured Dollie lure(surface fizzer) he was poo pooing my lure until it started getting hit every pass, always good to give something different a try I reckon, first time its got wet, so very happy with the results.

Mike, its been really busy off Gordons Bay and Bondi, on the way back to the heads, we ran over a massive school, 40 birds working it, but they were heading towards the horizon, and with that storm front right behind us wasn't going to chance giving chase, tempting though, lets hope we get a calm arvo during the week, if so I'm off again.

Cheers Tobe.

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Great work matey, out of curiosity has anything been biting near " i think they call it wedding cakes" off maroubra or coogee?

Remember years ago, I mate of mine would talk about this place holding alot of kingies



Edited by kilp
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