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Harbour Surface Action


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Hit the harbour on Monday morning with the aim of catching squid and converting them into kings. Squid were not co-operating at the places I tried so set off to put plan B into action- throwing stick baits/poppers at the various harbour markers. As I motored from Clifton Gardens upsteam I noticed a lot of birds and some obvious spashes. I threw a range of plastics, a popper and a small metal at them - all to no avail. By now (about 8.30) there were school of kings smashing into balls of tiny little bait all around me. They stretched over an area of about 400m X 100m. Decided to troll a xmas tree and a fly around the area. Managed 4 decent tailor (the tempura battered fish fingers were great for dinner last night) and a reasonable salmon (crab net bait) before landing a very fat 60 cm king. All taken on the xmas tree. The action slowed down after the tide turned so headed of to try some markers. Had a couple of follows but no hookups.

I was amazed at the sheer numbers of kings there. As I trolled along they were smashing bait within metres of the boat - the motor noise certainly wasn't worrying them. Lots were obviously rats but there were bigger ones amongst them. Not many fish but a top morning out an a glassed out harbour that was teeming with life.



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Mate and I were out on Sunday in Sydney Harbour, for an hour and a half kings all around the boat. Could not get one to hook up. Tried metals, lures, SPs, jigs, live bait & squid strips but to no availe.

Could anyone tell me maybe what they could have been feeding on?? :05:

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Plenty of surface action still this morning but i couldn't boat a king. We only tried stick baits and despite a few knocks and plenty of follows couldn't get one to stick. We ended up using small 2" grubs and had a bawl on small tailor. We ended up boating over 30 but most were undersized. I wasn't worried though as all were released.

They (kings and Tailor) are feeding on 1 inch size whitebait so probably the fly guys will have more sucess.

Anyway a good morning none the less.

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Hey guys,

I am thinking of heading out for a fish tomorrow before work. I have been out after work when the wind has been down and managed a few of those surface kings. It is really hard to find an arvo when the wind is down and hence i was thinking of heading out tomorrow morning.

I will need to be back around 8am. Are they feeding from around 5:30 - 6:00am at all? If anyone has seen them on the chew really early please let me know! As I am sure all of us know what it feels like to be stuck in an office on a great day!

Cheers, Andrew

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