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New To Fishing


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Gday all,

I am pretty new to fishing, i mean i have fished now and then but im pretty novice. Its been that long since i dropped a line in i forgot all the damn knots, lucky my mate is a seasoned fisho.

Anyway i just wanted to share my excitement with you guys bout a trip i took into the harbour on thursday 15/1/09, we hired a tinny from rose bay and after a whole bunch of nothing on the way back to hire place we came across a massive group of king fish. It was crazy, i hooked up about 5 times but only landed 1 :( . Undersized so he went back into the drink. But oh my god, what a fight im now hooked and am looking a buying at boat..... :lol:

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G'day Aces,

It's a bug that's impossible to cure and you've just caught one of the most virulent strains. Chasing Harbour Kings is insane fun. Glad to hear you got into a few... Once you get your boat then you'll start buying new outfits, sounders, downriggers, squid jigs, etc, etc, LOL

Welcome to kingy madness.

Cheers, Slinky

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