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An American Achiever


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Hi Everyone

I thought I would post up an incident that happened to our grandson Byron, AKA Littlejewgaffer while I was away for a while........ Without asking permission, Little Byron decided that he would buy some original bucktail teasers from America with his own pocket money to add brass Kayle hooks to..... Proper Kayle hooks are extra strong sharp brass wide gape type hooks that have less give in the curves to prevent straightening....... Natural bucktail tying material is no longer available over here..... Instead of using the bucktails as a teaser, a better idea is to incorporate a tube into the centre before tying the bucktail for the leader section between the main hook and the second hook to go thru and hide a hook inside the bucktail and in this case using a single or side to side 3/0 heavy duty Kayles as the stinger so that the barbs are doubled....... The bait doesn't have to be a lure, the backtail can trail off a dead bait or can hang down below and be towed around by a live bait or rigged to hang out the mouth of a live squid.

Although being handy on a computer as most kids are these days little Byron confused the American chap in his email and ended up being invoiced for full Tsunami squid profile lures that come in a variety of colours and have several well placed luminous beads and spinner blades which results in a proper hand tied bottom jigging squid profile rigs that work very well on American flatfish or fluke which are like our flounder in appearance only they come in eye opening sizes of several kilos.

Anyway this is a copy of the email sent to the seller and below that is the seller's response to the incident.

A big hello to you in America.

My name is Shirley. We are a large extended family and we are well into the outdoors over here in Australia and travel away a lot camping, boating and fishing. My husband is away and a ten year old grandson who fishes with one of our sons who fishes in tournaments is somewhat excitable and a walking fishing encyclopaedia so to speak, decided that he would like to buy something for himself from America without permission. He insisted that he could pay for the product by mowing the lawn etc and our daughter has reprimanded him, taking care not to upset the boy too much as he does not understand the cost of everything, saying he really wanted a supply of American made bucktails with his own money for his tackle box. Sorry to waste your time and if you want to supply him only the twelve bucktails that he wishes to have it's up to you. I would be grateful if you would send another invoice and it will be paid and I have trust in you to deliver. I feel this is the best way to handle the situation for our grandson's sake of wanting to have American bucktails and all the way around. I hope you understand.

Kind regards,


Hi shirley, I too have young boys and I understand completly. I still remember my father teaching me to fish and spending the many hours on the water with him. I am happy he is interested in fishing as much as he is and hope it stays a life long passion. I also respect your honesty in getting back with me as most would have just ignored the invoice. Tell you what I will do for your son I will tie the 12 bucktail teasers for him for free. If you agree to pay the shipping which would be around 6.00. These bucktails are teasers that slide down the line to dress up the hook and do not come with a hook. I just wanted to make sure he knew what a teaser was. I will send you another invoice for the 6.00 if this is acceptable for you. Only thing I ask in return is to send me some pictures of the fish he catches as I keep a scrap book of fish caught with rigs I have tied. I have pictures form all over the world and would love to add his to my collection. Tell your son I hope he catches some big fish with them. I may even throw in some extra goodies for him. (like some teasers tied with yak hair that are much longer 8-12 inces) etc... You all take care and if you ever need any rigs feel free to contact me at..... @hotmail.com or call me....... . I am not sure where you all are located but I sold a bunch of rigs to a guy over there who owns a Harley Davidson dealership and he said they worked great.

It goes to show that if you handle a situation properly how nice our overseas cousins can be.

post-829-1232330275_thumb.jpg Littlejewgaffer


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

Edited by jewgaffer
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