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Saturday Spin


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post-364-1110003095_thumb.jpgpost-364-1110003051_thumb.jpgAfter hearing some good reports pelagics around, brother Spizza and I couldn't resist to give it a go this morning. Put the boat in at Tunks Park ramp at 6am. Stopped at a jetty quickly and filled up the live bait tank with yakkas and ventured out to throw some plastics around and drop some livies around hoping for a King.

Hanged around the Spit on daybreak for zilch. There was quite a few boats around and it seemed like not much was happening. Went out towards Balmoral looking for some surface activity and found the occasional boil up. Hooked up a few times and all we could manage was some choppers. Decided to head in, went towards Bantry Bay. On the way in there was more choppers busting up and some of the local fishing guides were all over them. A larger fish was pulled out by one of the guides as we saw them use a gaff however did not get a good enough look. I presume they could of got a frigate or maybe a sambo.

Bantry Bay was full of choppers again. All we could get was choppers !!!! :ranting2:

Went back out towards Middle Head and managed a not bad trevally.

I have tried to attach some photos to this post, so if they dont appear, :thumbdown: sorry !!


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Yeh it seems like it was. To be honest all we done was cruise around looking for surface activity and dropped the occasional livie.

There was heaps of choppers but thats about it. :thumbdown:

Maybe next time....!!

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Yeh it seems like it was. To be honest all we done was cruise around looking for surface activity and dropped the occasional livie.

There was heaps of choppers but thats about it.  :thumbdown:

Maybe next time....!!


At least u got out there mate better luck next time

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Could not resist, went back out there Sunday afternoon with kfish01.

Saw some small schools busting up, casted and and got some follows by Salmon. One fish hooked up and pulled the hook almost immediately. :thumbdown:

Before you knew it the fish were long gone they did not want to stick around up top for too long. We cruised up and down but did not stick around for too long as the boat traffic became too much.

I remembered today, why I avoid the middle harbour area...BOAT TRAFFIC AND CLOWN WAKEBOARDERS !!!!! :ranting2::ranting2::ranting2:

I have never come across such annoying and mindless idiots like the ones I come across in middle harbour. We had wakeboarders going straight through schools of fish busting up in Bantry Bay just as we were getting to the fish to cast into them !!! :ranting2:

Not too mention the idiots coming within 10 metres of our boat. I tell ya, my middle harbour hitlist grows everytime I visit !!

Ah well, It was good just to be back on the water again....I guess !!!!!!!!!!!

Snag, will be in touch with you during the week about the social.

Nick :thumbup:

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Thanks for the day out Soapie.

The Tailor are everywhere at the moment. After our middle harbour spin session, I went home, grabbed my beach fishing gear and headed to Collaroy beach. The gutters where thick with Tailor. There were birds dive bombing all around and this lasted for a good 2 hours...


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