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Howzit fellas

I am a happy saffa who just joined up this awesome website! :1clap: A friend got me onto it and is it awesome! Love the reports boyz, my boss been on my back all day telling me to get off this site and telling me to do some work.

I live on the northern beaches and fish the spit, harbor and narrabeen by kayak. On the beaches I love fishing off DY, Narra and Mona.

My girlfriend got me hooked on fishing to her disappointment, cause now she can not get me off the water! I been in Australia for 3 years now and still learning all the names of the local fish and the "how too's", but its a great journey to becoming a great fisherman!!! :thumbup:

Love your work guys and looking forward to start my own brag page!

Happy Saffa :yahoo:


G'day Saffa

:1welcomeani::1welcomeani: to Fishraider! We have quite a few dedicated yakkers here, too (me included!) so feel free to include your yak reports too!!



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