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Insulated Fish Kill Bags


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Hi Raiders

Long time lurker, first time poster, mainly because I figure that I'll only post if I have a worthwhile question or comment.

Anyway, the reason for this post is that I recall seeing in Fishing Monthly about 2 years ago some ads or reviews for insulated fish kill bags. These were heavy duty, could be slung over the shoulder, waterproof etc and much less bulky than a hard icebox or esky. I thought they were a great idea but have never seen anyone using them (why?). I have made the mistake of putting fish in cheaper soft coolers which invariably leak, so I am looking for something a bit more robust.

I haven't seen anything similar in any of the tackle shops I frequent andI have googled the net but can only find similar bags in the states. Has anyone used them and are they worth the $$$? Does anyone know where they are available in Australia? I thought the ones I saw advertised were Australian made, rather than imported.

Some links to the type of bags I'm talking about:





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We used them when we were fishing on charters in Hawaii last year, we used a long one about 2.5-3m and was used for the dollies and wahoo that are commonly caught, they were just pulled in by the leader, thrown in the bag and then the leader unclipped from mainline, if it was me doing it i would probably brain spike or hit the fish on the head and bleed it but these guys like to just keep it going fast as the fish usually come on in 2s and 3s. When we've finished on the fish they would put ice in the bag and then unhook the fish. It seems like a good way to keep the fish although i would say you need more than one person onboard when using them as somebody needs to hold the bag open for you to put the fish in and keep an eye on it if you are into multiple hook ups.

A good investment if you have the space on your boat i'd say.



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