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Using A Fishing Rod Baned In The Cooks River


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Gday Raiders,

I was reading the fisheries web site this morning and came across this


Can anyone shed any light on why you are only allowed to use a hand line when fishing this river and its creeks?

I personally would not eat anything caught out of here.

but only be able fish with a handline has got me stumped.

Or does a hand held line include a rod?


Balmain Bob

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They don't want anyone to come in contact with water from the Cooks and Alexandria canal let alone eat fish from there as they know what is in the "waterway" so surprised they are saying any fshing is OK. People have had rashes just from contact with water and silt there. Every nasty industrial pollutant known to man is in both of those and in huge concentrations. Nice waterway it must have once been and to think I have Kayaked up there when younger - yuck

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I have been in contact with the fisheries on this subject of fishing in the cooks and its canals and have asked that it be made a catch and release fishery only .

The fisheries have taken our case to the authorities and food people and are still trying to come up with a solution.

Fishing is banned in the Alexandria Canal only at this stage.

Cheers Swordfisherman

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Hope they can leave the Cooks as a sports fishery but it was probably sensible with the Alex canal as even touching a sinker that has dragged the bottom wouldn't be a good move and a boat up there possibly disturbing silt wouldn't be good.

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Hope they can leave the Cooks as a sports fishery but it was probably sensible with the Alex canal as even touching a sinker that has dragged the bottom wouldn't be a good move and a boat up there possibly disturbing silt wouldn't be good.


From past experience you will not lose digits or any other appendage by coming in contact with water from this river as the same water is indeed in the bay and that is where all the water comes from ,IN AND OUT everyday :biggrin2:

Yes the poor ole river has had a bad time of it and every time it gets flushed out by big tides or rain water it slowly improves all the time :thumbup: Most of the research was done on the canal over 10 yrs ago and it would be interesting if they tested now to see if the water quality had indeed got better.

Cheers Stewy

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From what I understand these days it is more the quality of the mud than the water. The food chain involves a heap of animals that live down in the heavy metals etc therefore it is inadvisable to eat anything from there.


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There have been numerous posts about this river and i lived on it for 32 years, Dad lived on it for or near it for his 63years now it has been used abused from all sorts of industry, but my father rememebers the beach and prawning at Canterbury, seeing bull sharks at Marrickville in the 70's bream to 4lb being caught at Illawarra Road Xmas 1981 one after the other the only year he saw it, its only getting healthier, look at he species list caught by other raiders Jew, there was even a raider who got Frigates near Tempe, before ileaving aussie i was getting 3lb blackies opposite the old Hurlstone Park Bowlo!

It is the sediment they are worried about, a lot of the fish are travellers in and out, regardlessit is a great C@R fishery in 2001 Dad and I caught over 500 blackfish behind Tempe station in 6 outings all legal at 25cm Dad sais it is the biggest spawning run in any system he had seen since 1977 in the Woronora.

It is a bloody awesome fishery and i love it and i miss it some of my best memories of fishing wit hdad are from that river heres a few pics of fish from Cooks.






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catch and release yeh ????

not for eating please !

may look healthy ...only takes one..careful please

It is the sediment they are worried about, a lot of the fish are travellers in and out, regardlessit is a great C@R fishery in 2001 Dad and I caught over 500 blackfish behind Tempe station in 6 outings all legal at 25cm Dad sais it is the biggest spawning run in any system he had seen since 1977 in the Woronora.
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catch and release yeh ????

not for eating please !

may look healthy ...only takes one..careful please

Actually have had a couple of blackies from cooks near the entrance there off the breakwalls, that was 10 years ago though and i'm still alive, you ever eat a fish frm the Doughbouy, Blufish, Bondi or Yellow Rock? Thing is yes it takes one so if unsure don't eat and BTW all those fish were released we like to keep them in a english style coarse net allows them to recover the type is the long tubular bank nets you see.

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Gday Raiders,

thanks for the replies.

The rest of the fisheries site regarding restrictions and bans is quite exact in their wording but this one seemed a little ambiguious to me.

As they say , If you ever need a fishing questions answered, just ask the Fishraiders.


Balmain Bob :1fishing1:

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If it only takes minimal contact with the water to get sick, I wonder how the guys that slalom water ski at Tempe now feel? Actually have been meaning to talk to Maritime about that as the slalom course buoys sit just under the water at high tide - very dangerous hazard for your prop. I have also had them come and start skiing at high speed while I was fishing the shoreline there - :ranting2:

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It is a great water way to catch and release whilst fishing along it.

the rowing teams get splashed with the water and water in the bottom of the hull so

there feet will be in contact with it there whole rowing session during the day.

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