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Mojo Back With A Pb King


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post-4311-1236399746_thumb.jpgAfter two harbour sessions which accounted for lots of squid but no kings (with a similar session in Botany Bay thrown in between them) I was beginning to wonder when where my next decent fish would come from. The answer was today in the harbour.

After some mayhem at the Rose Bay ramp we collected 7 nice squid in about an hour and motored up into Middle Harbour to a spot where I had never failed failed to hook at least one king. No dice today though, despite having one feeding in the berley trail for as couple of minutes. Off into the harbour proper. Nothing at "old yella" so moved across the harbour to join the dozen or so other boats anchored there. Some were leaving which didn't bode well. Anchored, began to berley and set out floating squid strips and heads and a whole squid down under the boat. After half an hour of waiting we had decided to got lizard spinning. As we were beginning to get organised my floating strip was taken with a mighty run. It was quickly evident that this was a decent fish and with 14lb Fireline and a 17lb Vanish trace I had to be wary of how much pressure to exert. I didn't really have much control at all with a 3-6 kg Pfleugger spinning rod. After what seemed an eternity (7-8 minutes?), and having to cut one of our other lines free of mine, we got colour . What a magical sight - a fat and hefty kingie!! After some more runs at the boat an 88cm king was netted. Cheers from other boats and smiles all round on ours. No more action but the early morning start, confusion at the ramp and car park (how can people park their rigs so that two take up three spaces??) and the fishless trips were forgotten with this one beating my previous best by 3cm. Got my mojo back!!



Edited by kel
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G'day Kel

Nice fish mate! Looks like there are a few bigger fish starting to show up in the harbour.

The spot that you didn't get any at in Middle Harbour... was that the one where i met you last time?

Anyway - nice work mate.



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Solid king! Well done on such light gear!!!!!!

There were plenty of kings around today for a change. Mostly rats but some of the bigger fish have moved in thats for sure...... Another bricking today :mad3::mad3::mad3:

Edited by VA911
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