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Ripper Fishraider Social

Rick T

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G'day all

Attended my first social today and it was great to meet all the familiar names. I have been spending every second outing in pittwater to reach my goal of landing a legal king from it so it felt a bit like home turf for me. I started off collecting squid but found they didn't want to play so using unweighted bass minnows I would lure them out then put a squid jig in their face. had about 7 nice size ones in the live well by about 8am. Then put a livey on the downrigger and trolled the western shorline. Got a rat at longnose pt (I think it is called that?)but sounded a good school of bait with more big arches then I had ever seen. Did a few more laps of the area then continued peeking out of west head where I picked up next rat. Came back down the east side of pittwater and finally got my first legal king at 64cm (not big but happy anyway) in careel moorings. great fun trying to stop it from making the mooring ropes. Did a bit of breaming for an hour in the moorings without a touch then head to the basin to catch up with the fishraider crew. Fairly tired by the time I left that but decided sound over where the big arches were last time and they were still there. Put a livey on the rigger and got smashed immediately. When I got him up his mates followed so I took a bit of time and rigged a squid head on another rod and trolled the area again. After about 5 mins of hammering the deep hole the rod went off. This time I put the squid head out incase his mates followed. Got it to the top then the second rod goes :1yikes: . finally got both in the boat and still a few mates were hanging around, one looking alot bigger so I grabbed the GLX with 9" sluggo and cast it out, let it sink and twitch. that got hammered aswell. hard fight getting this one back but not as big as he looked in the water at 67cm. All the avo fish except one went legal so a few came home to dinner aswell as some calimari :thumbup:

Edited by Rick T
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Congrats on your first legal king( too much time on the bream me thinks :biggrin2: )

always good to reach a milestone.


Thanks fellas, I had a fun day so that was the main thing. Can count on one hand my bream sessions for summer Alan, will get back into it when winter kicks in :thumbup: I did have a little prob with the 500 tekota ripping out of the reel seat on my 6kg baitcaster while fighting one of the fish as it is a bit wide for the locking mechanism. Will hopefully get a different reel seat fitted. One went on the barbie last night, they are a very nice eating fish spanker.

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