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Does anyone know why there is no fishing aloud along the wall directly in front of the casino and around the marina i dont think its a fish sanctuary but there are signs posted along the seating area

if this is true is it only land based fishing or boat aswell





Does anyone know why there is no fishing aloud along the wall directly in front of the casino and around the marina i dont think its a fish sanctuary but there are signs posted along the seating area

if this is true is it only land based fishing or boat aswell



It would only relate to landabsed fisho's

Why they do it - most likely to keep the area clean and prevent any fishy smells from developing, thus annoying tourists etc

Also, most marinas i know of are no fishing zones

Posted (edited)

Marinas are generally a lease off Maratime so the person who has the lease can impose their own rules on the facility they install . It is a point of debate whether they also have exclusive access to the area between the arms outside the area where the boats are actually moored and each marina may be different in the area they lease.

Foreshore land can come under council, Foreshore authority or sometimes private lease ( normally no public access though) or outright ownership

Some businesses just put up their own signs and it is ver hard to tell if they are real and ask their private securtity goons ( who often have no rights etc) to enforce it.

I would check with the council in the first case as they would have a record of the development application or know who has control over the land under it's current zoning. They will also have arecord if they have put signs up.

My opinion is signs on the land mean nothing below the mean high water mark as then it becomes an issue for the managers of the waterway and it should be on the maps if there is any restrictions.

I don't know the area down there so do some research

Edited by pelican


Thanks guys well i think i might take the boat down there for a sp session on the weekend and if they want me they can come catch me :tease:



As far as Im aware marinas are a no go zone for landbased fishos as they are declared

fish sanctuaries, or so a couple of marina owners/managers have told me. Its ok

to fish from a boat around there as long as you dont enter into or tie up to the

marina. Maybe someone can correct me if I have been mis-informed.


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