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Pier 2 Sat 21st


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Got there at 5am this morning. Already there were about 15 fishos - some had been there since 1am!

(couldn't find any other raiders, although it must be said that once I got all my gear out and lines wetted I wasn't comfortable leaving my gear while I wandered around looking for raiders - next time we should organise things better. Simmo was the only other person whose number I had and he had to cancel).

Immediately berleyed-up and sent down one of those pre-made yakka rigs with 'fish scales' on it. No hits for a while, so sent out my other rod with a squid rig on it. Nothing. Nada.

By this time there were about 30 people fishing, although not as crammed as Clifton Gardens gets - at Pier 2 there is access to deep water all around it, although people do tend to concentrate at the end of the wharf.

An hour goes by an just as dawn breaks, by yakka rig starts screaming. "Oh s**t! Not a kingie on my yakka rig?!!" went through my mind. After about 10 seconds of frantic reeling, my line goes PING. :05: Bugger. There's a decent fish going round somewhere in the harbour with a yakka rig attached to its face. :mad3:

After that, I send down a prawn close to the wharf on my lighter rig, and alternated between squid and salted pilchards on my 'kingie' rig (that rod is STILL a virgin....) :thumbdown:

A few nibbles but nothing significant. After I'd been there about 3 or 4 hours my ligher gear starts screaming again (at least it seems that way in my head when I recall it) and this time I manage to land a 38cm trevally. Awesome! At this point the fish are starting to bite all around the wharf and every now and again there are screams of joy/panic/disappointment/jubilation.

At some point a bloke climbs down the ladder on the left side of the pier for a look see. He claimed he could see kings in the water under the wharf as well as a few surgeon fish. I was skeptical at first, but this claim seemed to be validated by another couple of fishos.

Shortly after that, a decent size kingie (guess 75 - 85cm) torpedoes along past the top end of the pier about half a meter below the surface - OK confirmed kingie sighting. Everybody gets a little excited :)

About 5 minutes after that, there's a massive commotion in the east side of the pier and everybody goes to have a look. A young bloke lands what looks to be about an 80cm kingie! Awesome work and nicely done - looked a little dicey for a minute as the king was trying to take cover under the wharf. Same guy later gets another 3 kingie bust offs. (I want to know what he was doing to those prawns he was using as bait.) And another 2 bust offs by another guy.

Then it all quietened down. I left about 11am, happy in the knowledge that I had a decent trevally. :)

I'm going to bed for a couple of hours now. Totally knackered after 2 hours sleep last night.


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ey man everything u've said in tihs report brings back memories of the times ive fished there

a couple of people i know went down there last week fishing with live nippers and live prawns (expensive to buy from the tackle shop) but they ended up with 5 kingies, a trevally and two massive leatherjackets

they said that live nippers floating on the surface makes the kingfish go nuts

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An hour goes by an just as dawn breaks, by yakka rig starts screaming. "Oh s**t! Not a kingie on my yakka rig?!!" went through my mind. After about 10 seconds of frantic reeling, my line goes PING. 05.gif Bugger. There's a decent fish going round somewhere in the harbour with a yakka rig attached to its face


must be a teenage emo fish

I have seen a decent jew caught off there (say 10kg) and a mate caught the biggest bream he has ever seen, he couldn't fit it in a 20 l bucket, and this was on a bait jig. That's whats so good about the spot you can catch anything there.

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Good post mate and well done on the Trevally.

Sorry I couldnt make it, work was shite!

was the bloke with the expensive prawns a dark south african fellow? If so I met him when i went down there the other day and he said he was going to be there on Saturday. He reckons he pays 60$ per kilo for the prawns btw (ends up like 2$ something a prawn)!

no blackies around?

Next time im just gonna ditch work :1prop: ,


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Interesting day there champ,

Sorry I didn't get down there, I got home late last night after scoring countless reddies, some yakkas and a 25 cm bream I let go.

Not a fan of the crowds , 30 + people agh...but what can ya do!


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No worries mate. It did get quite crowded but in 5 hours or so only got tangled 3 times, and that was when the tide started flowing out and the current picked up and everyones lines started drifting to the right.

You can easily find your own space there if you don't mind not going right to the end of the wharf, so don't let the fact that there were 30 people there stop you from giving it a shot. Also you have Pier 3 next door and there was practically nobody there.

Nice work on the reddies and yakkas.

Interesting day there champ,

Sorry I didn't get down there, I got home late last night after scoring countless reddies, some yakkas and a 25 cm bream I let go.

Not a fan of the crowds , 30 + people agh...but what can ya do!


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Great post James.

Sorry couldnt make it there this morning but it seems you had heaps of fun! And to think that you had to wake up at 4 something to make it there. Thats dedication :P

I might go to the Pier at around 4-5pm tomorrow afternoon if youre still keen.

Did u manage to get a pic of the travelly?

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Hi,James I wet a line there with 2 other mates yesterday am.

We used freshly caught squid & pillies.We had a couple of runs but no hook-ups ,although we did see the Kings & Surgeons.They are v leader shy now,and we do not fish light.We were the group that got the Mac Tuna & tried to net a +80cm King for the girl near the pontoon(it went under & busted her off,but she did make a good atempt on a fiesty fish.)

Thanks for the report it was good.See Ya :1prop:

Edited by StarCitySlic
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Fished Pier 2 at dusk today. Nothing worth mentioning! :(

There was still about 30 fishos there and the place was packed. (Not nearly as packed as the mornings I was told). The only person that was pulling up fish was a fisho armed with live yabbies and casting half way across the harbour. He caught 2 sizeable breams, and had a massive bust off.

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