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Botany Bay - Sat 11th April 09


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Hey fellow raiders,

First fishing report!

Dad and i headed out into botany bay on saturday, we got on the water at 7:00am and the water was like glass!! - We trolled all the way from the end of the second runway, past molineaux point, in close and around bear island, out the heads and back in, along the south head wall - nothing!

I had three lures out at different depths, a deep diver, a shallow diver and a metal/chrome lure just splashing about in the prop wash.

So we pulled up just inside the south head and started fishing,

First 2 fish we caught were tiddler bream,

next one i caught was this : (Can anyone identify it ? - i've been told its a Nanygai ?)


After that, i managed another 2 TINY bream

Then i landed this : (Anyone know what it is ?)


I then got ANOTHER 2 small bream and dad got his first bream for the day! (also tiny)

So the score at this stage was Me 8, Dad 1 :thumbup:

We then moved around the sand flats on the other side of the oil wharf - HEAPS of boats around there,

First cast, i caught a small leather jacket - we stayed there for another half an hour and tried to drift, but the water was so calm that we didnt move anywhere! - We werent getting any bites and kept losing out bait to the weeds so we moved over to the sand infront of the novotel building - we anchored there and dad finally caught this to catch up : 28cm - Kept this one for mum for dinner


We then headed over to molineaux point where i managed another 2 small leather jacket and dad got 2 small bream (throw backs)

I put out a soft plastic and let the rock of the boat move it around - after 15 minutes i reeled in just the jig head! Bloody leatherjacket!!

They they started biting out lines off above the sinkers so we called it a day and headed home with the one keeper bream for mum :thumbup:

Final score :

Me 12 throw backs (3 leather jacket, 1 red fish above, 1 colourful fish above, 7 tiny bream)

Dad 4 Bream (3 throw backs, 1 keeper)

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Dunno what the first one is but the red mullet that I know are only down south I think. Taste great but I am not sure that they come up this far - maybe a goat fish of some sort?

Second one is definately a wrasse. also tastes great

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Hey thanks for all the replies

Its just a Nokia N95 8GB phone camera!

The red mullet / goat fish and Wrasse were too small to keep so i can report on the taste of them!

We kept the big bream alive in a bucket til we got the boat ramp, mum had it cooking about 50 minutes later! :thumbup:

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