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Harbour Flatty Flick Sesh


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I had work to do this evening, but I couldn't help myself looking at the last of hour the runup right on dusk, so toddled down to my local spot and had a quick flick. In 20 minutes I had 3 flattys - 1 definitely legal, 1 suspect, and 1 definitely under (I forgot the the tape measure but consider myself a pretty good estimater of length).

The undersize and the suspect went back for a swim and I kept the legal. 10 minutes later I catch another - not big, but I didn't have a doubt that it was legal, tho not by much (I thought easily 36 - 37). So I killed it and kept it.

I fished on for a bit more and stopped had a chat with another passing fisho. We were chatting and looking at my catch and I started second guessing myself. I thought - Crap. Is that legal?? Paranoid as always the first thing I did when I got home was whip out the tape measure:



I'd never have forgiven myself for taking an undersize fish. Not that I feel great for taking one that was only 2mm over, if I'd had the tape measure he'd have gone back.

All fish on squidgy black & golds

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