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Dawn/dusk Vs Tide Turn


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if you can get two to coincide, the would be ideal. high tide around dawn or dusk. especially when fishing around the wash

but in my experience, i find dawn or dusk the best no matter what tide. not sure is it because when the sun is high up, they hide into deeper waters? or bit wary whats going around them?

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if you can get two to coincide, the would be ideal. high tide around dawn or dusk. especially when fishing around the wash

but in my experience, i find dawn or dusk the best no matter what tide. not sure is it because when the sun is high up, they hide into deeper waters? or bit wary whats going around them?

thanks for that .. the tides this weekend look ugly for the dawn/dusk high tide together so was trying to work out when to throw a line in .....

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As Hottyscotty has said, both together is best.

If it's got to be one or the other, go with the timing, dawn or dusk depending on what you're chasing.

Good luck. :1fishing1::beersmile:

so pressing the friendship .. as a sydney fishing newbie - which fish generally goes with each?

tx again :1prop:

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also you might find less action few days before and after full moon. This Saturday is full moon btw.

I heard the exact opposite, in that the lead up to and after the full moon provides for some good fishing. Haven't had much personal experience so i wouldn't know the validity of that...

Also full moons and new moons put high tides around both dawn and dusk, would this be a likely cause to the "good" fishing action that i have heard of?

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I heard the exact opposite, in that the lead up to and after the full moon provides for some good fishing. Haven't had much personal experience so i wouldn't know the validity of that...

Also full moons and new moons put high tides around both dawn and dusk, would this be a likely cause to the "good" fishing action that i have heard of?

Not too sure, but when I fish the Georges the day after full moon. There wasn't much action. Also was fishing during the turn of the tide.

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I find the change of tide is more important than the time of day.

When I am estuary fishing I like following the tide as it moves up the river from low to high irrespective of what time of day it is. I also follow the tide on the way out as well :secret:

Similarly when I am Jewie fishing at night the hour or so before and after a tide change seems to get me the best results as well.

So for me, I am more influenced by the tides than dusk / dawn.


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I think it depends on what species you are targetting & where you are fishing.

Jew are very tide orientated & each spot is different.

I had one spot in the harbour where you would only catch them on low tide during the day.

Another spot was top of the tide in the evening & anytime during the runout out at night.

I've found that tide & barometer can be more important on many species rather then dusk & dawn.

Just my opinion.



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Gday Raiders

Relative newbie here and to sydney fishing

Am landbased

wondering whats more important - time of day ie dawn dusk or fishing the tide turns ?

Any thoughts?


in the lake i think that dawn and dusk are best, but saying that i went out 1 day in the midle of the day and mid tide and i got 5 flatties in a hour and a half :1yikes: so when there on there ON, but most of my rock fishing spots have to be fished on low tide otherwise its to dangerous, but also the fish off the rocks seem to bite better on a riseing tide. :1fishing1:

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I agree with most that if the tide turns clash with dawn/dusk it is a great opportunity to score fish..

Because you are landbased and in Sydney....if you fish the harbour a likely catch could be bream.

From my experience when fishing for bream in the cold conditions.... which i mainly fish for...it is best to fish at night for them at the turn of the tides and fish deep.

Because this fishing is at night and at tide turns if the spot is suitable you could also target jewies. This is what i usually do...and it's sad to say that most of the time for every few bream there is a bust off of a jew which takes the bream bait on the light gear !!! :1badmood:

you could try black fish too in the cold months but i'm not sure of the best time to fish them, maybe dawn/dusk and overcast days i've read on this forum is best.

If in doubt ask a local tackle shop



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