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Kayak Session 19/3


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After a late night, last minute fishing session with a mate on Frday night, Sat morning was a late start, but with blue sky it was going to be a better day than I'd originally planned. Got to Appletree a bit after 9.30, and it's the quietest I think I've ever seen it. Only 6 or 8 trailers. Obviously everyone looked at the same forecast I did. :1prop:

Paddled straight over to the red marker bouy, and flicked there for a while for nothing, so went into Houseboat bay after seeing some surface action. Chased what I'm pretty sure were taylor, with plastics & metals for about an hour for zilch.

Trolled, and flicked upto Chassam cove for a few small taylor. Got out and checked out the sand flats there. Rising tide, so flicked plastics and lures at the drop-off. Plastics were being destroyed by leatheries everywhere I threw them. Tried a hb for a while for nothing. Almost stepped on the same Stingray twice. Paddled into the deeper section and drifted an unweighted pilly around while flicking some more placcies around. Only more leatheries, and the pilly was un-touched.

Trolled and flicked back to ATB for a 35cm taylor, a 25cm flatty, and 4 or 5 undersize taylor. Saw a lot of surface action around, but could only russell up small taylor. Bloody leatheries followed me the whole day. Kept destroying my bm's.

Also saw Kerry Packers boat come up the creek, turn around and go back out again. Took a few pics of it which I'll post when I get the film back. Bloody ugly thing it is.

Cheers, Steve.

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Is Kerry's boat the "Ulysses Blue"?

That's the one. Apparantly it's an old Ice Breaker, that's been tarted up a bit. Nice little chopper on the back as well.

G`day Fellas ,

Hey Steve , care to post some pics of your Kayak and how its set up please.


No worries Mick. I'm getting a roll of film developed tomorrow, so I'll post the pics then. It's not overly complex, just some very basic holders behind the driver. I'm actually borrowing it from a mate for a while.


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  • 2 weeks later...


Here's a photo of my rig. As you can see, not overly complex. Just 3 holders behind me. The netting in the front holds a gaff, and now a small landing net. Between my legs I keep 3 trays containing all my lures, pre-rigged plastics, knife, pliers and a roll of leader.

In the sealed hatch I keep my tackle bag with spare plastics, jigs, hooks, sunscreen, aeroguard etc, and a bait esky if I take any.

The big holder is actually a post holder with a bit of plastic pipe attached to it. It'll be going soon, as it's too heavy.


I've posted a pic of Kerry packers boat in the general photos section now as well.

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I was in apple tree bay on Saturday for a picnic up by the creek.

We were fishing for tiny bream for a bit of fun with the girs when a school of 10 - 15 king fish rode on in chasing the mullet. It wasn't long before the fly rod was hooked up bream gear cast aside and overheads pulled out. the kingies were very shy though. Dropped the fly righton and infornt of the school on a couple of occasions bot alas no success. Sluggos did no good either. Real exciting to watch though. This was around 11:00 before the creek got to low. I take it you didn't encounter them.

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Hi guys,

Not sure of make or model Swoff. I'm actually borrowing it from a mate. I'll probably end up buying it off him as he hasn't used it since he's bought himself a tinny. I'll check out the details tonight and post tomorrow. I can tell you it tracks nicely, and is quite stable, even for a tall lad like myself. The only problem is that the rudder pedals are too close to the seat so I can't use them. :thumbdown:

I've heard the Kings are coming right in. I'm heading out on Sat again, so hopefully will see a bit of action. I could only see Taylor last time out, but doesn't mean they weren't around. I can see Friday night being another sleepless night. :1prop:

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  • 2 weeks later...
Is Kerry's boat the "Ulysses Blue"?


I can confirm that the Boat "Ulysses Blue" is actually Dick Smiths vessel.

I worked with a former colleage whom has a 1 year contract on board as Electrical Technician.

He is 1 of 3 permanents (Skipper, Skippers Missus & Him).

The vessel is leaving Port Stephens tommorrow Sat 16/4/05 and taking a trip up through the North and Far North before working across to Darwin.

I spoke with my mate earlier today and he has packed the following:-

- 2x Surfboards

- 4x Fishing Rods

- Clothes

Tools are on board. In his contract is food, accomodation and general living expenses.

Dick Smith and Family are on board this trip with a few select friends and the purposes is a "Holiday".

Oh how some live.

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