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Quick Saturday Arvo Flick


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With the weather looking average at best for the weekend I committed myself to ripping up all of the lino and carpet in the house for the tiler coming after Easter.

Well after getting MOST of my duties done by 3pm to treated myself to a well deserved :beersmile: . I was sitting down outside and noticed the weather was starting to clear........ Stuff this I’m going fishing.

I dropped the boat in at Tacoma and motored up the river to find a shore out of the wind. I resisted the temptation to throw on the ever reliable BM and concentrated on 2" grubs.

I managed to pull half a dozen smallish bream and a PB EP of 38cm. The EP was caught on a 2" Atomic grub fish slow and deep under a fallen tree that we now call the EP Tree. We have pulled 8 EP’s from this one snag on various trips. No photos of the EP as I left the Digi at home :thumbdown:

As the sun was getting down I moved up river a bit and fished a few wharves and moored boats. I thought I had better try out my new HWS TT jigheads that I picked up last week. I threw on a BM and dropped it next to the boat to watch the fall. It looked great.

I pulled another small bream from under a wharf and then next cast got absolutely smoked by something that never looked like stopping. A bit further up, a couple more small fish and got smoked again. As it was starting to get dark it was time to go home.

I must say I am a huge fan on the HWS jigheads :thumbup:

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G'day Grant

The council has recently given the ramp a complete overhaul. Its a good concrete ramp but doesn't get used that much. I have never seen more than 6 - 8 cars with trailers there.

There is no parking as such just grass areas either side of the ramp. If there were a heap of cars there you would just have to park further up the road.

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