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Middle Harbour In The Wet

King slayer

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Well...I did it, I'm a little insane.

Took the tinnie out into middle harbour last night for a few hours and managed to convince my mate (bigb) to come somehow.

Nothing major we just launched at Tunks and tucked in behind the hill in a sheltered bay not far from the ramp to see if a jew could be got in the shit weather. You never know till you try right?

The weather was pretty good to us and despite enormous gusts from ESE on the other side of the hill, it was pleasant for the most part where we were with one or two pour downs for which we were well prepared anyway.

The water was surprisingly clear for all the rain around and the bait fish were all around.

Dropped out some squid baits and pillies and played with blades occasionally.

A bunch of pillies got me a tailor of approx 50cm, of which some fillets were promptly dropped down.

My big blade (90mm, 30g) was attacked by a slimy which was sent back down live only to be separated at the leader by a jacket (i suppose).

While leaving my small blade (20mm) down with rod in holder, I lifted it to find a yakka struggling on the end which was then sent down too.

Constant action on the sounder, water 17.7 deg. This has to be a potential jew spot with all that bait around and it is always like this when I sound over it.

It's a wreck and a proven king spot, but i do wonder if daytime jew would be there as it's only 15m deep and right near by there is 24m, which I assume would be preferable for jew during daytime hours.

Anybody have any thoughts on this?

Might launch the remainder of this tailor after salting into a beach gutter after the weathr tapers off a bit.

Cheers, Dave

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unlucky mate, sounds like a great jewie spot

you might wanna set up right on the drop off where it goes from 15 to 20 odd meters, that's where the jewies will be hanging out waiting for the bait fish to swim over.

i'm surprised of water clarity as middle harbour normally turns to mud after the rains with heaps of debris and floatsome.

i might give it a shot tuesday or wednesday after the weather clears

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.......we just launched at Tunks and tucked in behind the hill in a sheltered bay not far from the ramp to see if a jew could be got ......You never know till you try right?

......despite enormous gusts from ESE on the other side of the hill, it was pleasant for the most part where we were with one or two pour downs for which we were well prepared anyway.

......The water was surprisingly clear for all the rain around and the bait fish were all around.

......Constant action on the sounder, water 17.7 deg. This has to be a potential jew spot with all that bait around and it is always like this when I sound over it.

.......It's a wreck and a proven king spot, but i do wonder if daytime jew would be there as it's only 15m deep and right near by there is 24m, which I assume would be preferable for jew during daytime hours.

Anybody have any thoughts on this?

Cheers, Dave

Nice report Dave I am quite sure that this Middle Harbour spot with depth llike that and even in the drop off around it, will prove to be a gem of a spot for you all the way around day time jew, winter snapper and the works...although the presence of baitfish is encouraging I would be happier to sit back there and wait after they've gone particularly if the reason is not tidal and moreso if the sounder is showing very little activity at the time...


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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