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Need Some Helping Rigging Up Livies


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ok well i have no problem catching livies

my bait grounds are always full of yakkas and it takes about 5min to fill my tank

but actually using them correctly is where i fail

when im downrigging i just pin them threw the nose with a circle hook and have them runnin about 10 meters behind the boat havnt had much luck with that of yet

but when im at anchor whats the best way to use them

i have just been pinning them threw the nose as usual and just throwing them out and letting them swim

and they always end up under my boat and getting tangled with other lines

should i be putting some weights on them to keep them down if so how much weight and how should i rig it up

thanks in advance

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G'day FT,

If you're fishing at anchor with minimal current, pin the yakkas through the back just in front of the dorsal fin. Only pin the fish 'lightly' (about 5mm in from the top of the back is plenty) and whatever you do, don't go near the lateral line or you'll be fishing dead bait. If there's a lot of current you should go through the nose again just like when trolling.

Yakkas don't need a lot of weight so in the harbour a #2 or #3 ball sinker is plenty. Slimeys need much more. Use the least weight practical and have it above a swivel with a trace of about 60cm - 1m to the hook. This gives the bait some room and freedom to move so it looks more natural and lasts longer.

For downrigging, a lot of people, me included, use a stinger hook rig. One hook through the nose of the bait and a second smaller hook or treble hook pinned lightly down near the tail. Probably 70% of my harbour kings were caught on the stinger hook. I've always wondered about that since Yakkas are supposedly normally eaten head first by most fish including kings. I think a lot of the hookups were kings 'playing' with the bait rather than seriously trying to swallow it.

Cheers, Slinky

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