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Sydney Harbour - North


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Round two for the weekend and this time I put the boat in at Little Manly. Only got down at about 10.30am, so the tide was well and trully running out. My son and his two young cousins were my crew today, so I planned for a session of baiting hooks and tying traces. Having the young ones on the boat I opted for a quiet anchorage north of Dobroyd, but under the cliffs. After a few little Bream and not much else I suspected that it was going to be a little quiet, so I motored over to Flagstaff. The westerly was picking up, so my thoughts were for putting the kids in a warmer spot, with not too much motoring to get back to the ramp. So I decided on an empty mooring about 50-60m off Little Manly Point.

We fished with prawns and I was tossing in bits of pilchard every 5 min or so. It wasn't long before the action began. We began to get a lot of hits, and after about 15minutes we landed our first Trevally for the afternoon. The action was fairly evenly dispersed around the boat, and the esky was looking good. Throw in a nice Black Bream and some reasonable leatherjackets, and dinner was sorted. We noticed a few Garfish around and my boy actually caught one with a hook that was way to big for the Garfish. I rerigged him with a Sabiki jig, and let him have a go. A few minutes later he pulled up the jig with 2 Garfish, and two Trevally to boot. What a mess trying to unhook that lot. The hooks were caught in the net and chaos reigned supreme. I few more garfish later and it was time to pack up. We basically fished the run out and had a blast.



You can't wipe the smile off the little ones face.


My son fighting a Trevally.


My boys cousins had a ball, as it was the first time they had ever been fishing. They are on Holiday from Dubai, so it was a real thrill for them. 2 more young fishermen recruited - hook, line and sinker. We all had fish for dinner, and the kids were thrilled to be eating fish they had caught themselves.

I have a few pics, but i have no idea how to post them.

Edited by MrChipsnSalad
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