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Overhead Reel

Jono Hammond

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Hi Everyone

Been given permission by my wonderful wife to buy a new reel :biggrin2: , and was looking at getting an overhead.

Like the saltist series but was wondering which one was better

the regular saltist :1prop:

or the saltist lw :tease:

not that keen on having to guide the line on myself :( or isn't that too much of a problem.

Any advice would be appreciated

Jono :1fishing1:

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What do you want to do with it....casting lures , jigging, or bait fishing......if casting lures etc any kind of distance dont get the levelwind versions.

Might be a dumb question, but have you used an overhead before ? Its not that hard to lay the line on with your fingers if it doesnt have a level wind, but if you are dropping baits down, get the level wind version and it will much easier.

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Anyone ever pulled the level wind off an abu casting with long rods going for distance when it isnt magged-backlashes bad. What Im saying is level winds arnt all bad on casting reels in normal situations, depends on the reel.

Reels choice really depends on what you want to use it for, as said. Casting or bottom bashing.

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Will be used for kingfish, snapper and the odd jewie (hopefully), had a penn international and found it a little pain to move the line around to get it in even. Unfortunately it got stolen :1badmood:

Probably won't be casting it as i use spin reels for that as they are better suited to that anyway.

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Level winds work well on some overheads but depends on which ones. I like them on ABU overheads and on baitcasters....but the level wind saltist and shimano tekotas arent good for distance casting. If you arent comfortable winding line on manually, get the level wind saltist it you will find it more enjoyable with less hassle, especially if only lobbing baits out. Great reels regardless if level wind or not.

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I think ABU 7000c are the bet casting O'head reel and it ha the level wind- I have had ot for nearly 10 years and is still going strong

I can use off the local wharves in Parra River for Flatties and Jews, Off the stones for Snapper and Pigs and also from on the reef on charter- the most versatile reel I even bought!

Fill it with 20lb mono and 15lb backing and you got yourself a reel to handle any Sydney fish yet has eneough finesse to fish very light gear and casts a mile

Blasted Top Stuff 'tis

WARNING- never try to use a lever drag for casting- they ashould only be used for lie baiting, trolling and bottom bashing.

I did buy myself an ABU Seascape and it was the worst reel I ever bought, the level wind broke on the first drop on a charter on a decent snapper- after it broke I brough it up to the wurface only to have the skipper miss the fish cause he tripped over someone else's rod on the deck- missed a good 6kg+ Red as a result.

That reel has brought me nothin but bad luck! and I'd rather use an Alvey or spinning reel instead of that one.

Daiwa make good casting reels aswell- like the Daiwa Millionaire Series

Hope this helps



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Or there is the Ryoga, the level wind moves with the line even on casts! :thumbup:

This thing is bullet proof, I thought the Saltiga overheads were over engineered, the Ryoga is just out of control! It's basicly a souped up Jap version of the Pluton but the Pluton level wind only moves on retrieve and a couple of less bearings on the Aussie one.


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