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hey raiders, just walking around the local creek and noticed a few decent sized carp swimming around. would love to have a dig at catching them. just wondering if anyone could help me out with rigs, bait and berley i could use. im imagining under the water there is heaps of snags so yeh im not sure. anyways cheers guys happy fishing!!!

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Hello Bergo,

I am by no means a carp specialist but suggest the following:

- Rig: standard runner sinker rig

- Sinker: as little weight as the creek conditions allow.

- Hook: small long shank say size 1

- bait: garden worms or my personal favorite corn kernals (tinned)

- berley: chopped worms with a bit of sand or a handful of corn kernals

Hope this helps and good luck.


Moro Mou

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Hi Bergo,

Best bait? In still water - corn kernels as bait and berley - its the bees knees. Or if there is current then worms dug up from near the creek - I ususally just find a stick, sharpen it up with a knife and dig up a around the base of a tree or under some rotting grass. I find that worms from my backyard are nowhere near as good as local worms. I reckon the scent of the earth at my place must be different to the scent at the creek.

Best rig? I think that a swivel tied about 30cm or so from your hook is all you need. The weight of the corn is more than heavy enough to cast out into the creek. If there is a current then my rig consists of a swivel to which I tie 2 lines. One long line (40 cm or so) with a hook. The other is a shorter ( 25 cm) lighter line with a sinker tied on with a granny knot (knot comes undone or sinker line breaks if snagged).

Throw out a handful of corn into the creek and then rig up. Cast you line out into the middle of the berley spread.

With worms I use a light sinker, cast up current and let the rig flow down stream with the current.

Not really a sport fish but if you use light line (say 4- 6 lb) it can be fun to catch them. The larger models can give you a bit of stick though.

I remember catching heaps of them when I was younger. I would take my gear down to the lake, sit under a shady tree, pass the line between my toes and read my uni texts. Every so often I would catch a carp.



Edited by Evets
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