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Blackfish Set Up


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I am interested in having a go for blackfish as it will be easier to go to the river for few hours than to get the boat out and was wondering what type of set up (ie rod, reel, line and hooks) that I will need.

Also what type of weed do I need and where do you get it.

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I will probably get shot down by all the Blackfish experts but, here is my set up and it works very well.

1. 10'6 2-6lb moderate action rod (I use a Loomis custom)

2. Threadline reel (I use a 2500 size Stella)

3. 20lb braid mainline (it floats and has great visibility which is important for keeping th eslack between your float and the rod tip under control)

4. Normal run of the mill float (black with orange tip)

5. 8-10lb fluro trace

6. No.6-10 hook (I use the Pan Fish green hooks)

7. Extreme concentration

Weed wise, I use cabbage or whatever the rocks has to offer at the time. I am yet to find a good regular supply of stringy.

If you start to encounter the mighty Surgeon (you will know when you do), 15-20lb fluro trace and a 6-8 stainless steel hook.

Good luck. :biggrin2:

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I hardly fish the rivers for blackfish but I do spend alot of my fishing time off the stones. My first blackfish specific setup was similar to Cephalopod's.

Browning BJ Hunter 10'6 2-5kg rating

Browning Syntec TF1035

20lb Braid main line

Anywhere from 6lb to 15lb trace depending on whats on the bite and water clarity/weather.

I think this is a pretty good setup for someone just getting into blackies and wont bruise the pocket.

Hasn't landed me any surgeons though many suspected bust off's while running light leader, but the rod definitely has the potential to tame one. Has seen me successfully land numerous blackies and my fair share of decent drummer.

For rigs try this post from Roberta, led me in the right direction to my first ever blackie and an ongoing obsession with these critters.


Hope this helps!


Daniel Wood

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If you are not taking it up full time and do not want to purchase a new set up then use an 8 to 10 ft rod with a whippy tip and medium actin or an old fly rod. a small threadline and get yourself some various running floats (pencil and cork bodied ones) they will suit all types of currents. 10 - 12lb braid or mono your preference and some 6 - 8lb fluoro for clear water and 6 - 8lb co polymer for dirty water, fluro carbon turns black in dirty water i found out whilst trying to tackle Hutt river browns and is very visible small swivels size 6 - 10 hooks in a short shank mustad 540's are good, small bareel sinkers and split shot and stoppers for your line.

If you want a dedicated blackie rod try a Synder mag bream or C144 or CR145 otherwise Wilson do an awesome range and the blanks are from Kilwell or used to be! (top NZ gear)


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