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All Is Quiet On The Pittwater


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got the urge to go for a fish so me and my bro packed up the boat and headed off to fish the tide change last night

water was dead calm looked like it was going to be a nice night on the water

armed with some prawns and squid we headed off to our little spot

i quickly rig up and drop a line then start to do some repairs on the boat when the bell on my rod starts ringing

i quicky pick up my rod and wind in this little port jackson shark

after a few poor photos hes returned to the drink

first fish caught in less then 2min so we think we are set for a productive night

sadly it was far from it

for the rest of the night we did not get 1 single bite

after a few hrs or so we relocated for nothing again

i guess the fish are just off the bite at the moment due to the amount of crap in the water from all this rain

so we decided to pack it in and head home empty handed

was still nice to be out on the water


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