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Bream Getting Airbourne In Winter


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When I fished Malacoota a few weeks back, I saw somtheing I've never seen before.

I was fishing a blade in about two meters of water and when I hooked a solid breambo he came to the surface and promptly lauched himself about a foot and half in the air....I initialled called it for a Sambo as there were quite a few Sambo's around but what resulted was a very healthy 38cm yellow fin Bream.

What I was really shocked about was that it all happened on Blade in the middle of Winter....I do quite a bit of surface poppering and haven't ever seen any that agressive once hooked in the summer months let alone the dead of winter.

I couldn't imgaine we was being chased by something....I guess maybe a big tailor made a run at him?

Anyone else seen it happen before...

Edited by Poddy Trapper
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I had a 45cm flatty launch at a px45 in the summer, I couldn't believe I saw it except I caught it.

I saw what I think was 3 bream all porpose out of the water together 1 morning on the local sand flats, I reckon they were being chased by something big.

I have also seen some agressive hits by big whiting on popers but not out of the water.


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