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Mount Druitt Trout

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First post but I thought while it might seem like shooting into a barrell I took the kids and a couple of mates fishing at Mt Druitt Swimming pool last night.

Each year they fill it with Rainbow trout 1 - 2 kilo range.

They charge you $11 for an Adult and $5.50 for kids and I must admit it was stressfull with 3 adults to 5 kids but it was fun.

It quite was not shooting into a barrel as there were many that went home empty handed as did 2 adults and 5 kids.

I was the only one to score a 43 cm 1 kilo male raindow trout. A PB for me.

We sat next to a couple of blokes that pulled in 5 within the 1 hour time limit to take home the most of all the people fishing that session. They caught 10 the night before.

We found out after that they booked the three sessions each night fror the two weekend and they found the bait that works.

Sherbert Trout power bait.

We had the green version with live worms, live goldfish, fake worms, and fake maggots but forgot the live crickets at home.

So we are up for next year as they have been doing this for 21 years already, we are going to book the three sessions on the night we go and leave the kids at home. We have serious fishing to do.


trouble uploading so next time

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It was Mount Druitt Pool,

Yes they were hatchery fish so the live bait or any of the other baits did not get touched had not thought about that before

So we will try again next year with pellets and power bait.

It is on every year and if you sign on to blacktown councils website you can be notified for next years event.

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