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Snapper Floaters ?


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Hey guys..

Going to try a floater for Snapper this weekend ! and weere going to use red-spotted whiting whole around 15cm long ..

What rig would you guys use for this ?? what size hooks ?? what pound leader ??

cheers and many thanks,


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A double hook snelled rig using about 40lb leader with a ball sinker running down onto the top hook... weight to suit the current, depth and conditions. You want your bait to drift back in the berley trail... sometimes you'll use no weight like when there's minimal current or in shallow water. Sometimes you'll need a bigger sinker to deal with the current.

Most often I've started out using sinkers about the size of a pea in water that is typically around 20-40m deep and then go up or down depending on how I go. If you're using a few rigs, it can help to try different weights on each until you work out which one is drifting right.

Cheers, Slinky

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