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Hooked On Fishing


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What a fantastic day we had by the water. Got up this morning to a pearler, and with #1 Sons girlfriend also staying over we decided that staying at home was not an option on such a glorious day. I put it to the kids, why dont we go fishing, and of course #1 Son said yes before I had time to take a breath. It has been quite a while since we seriously put a line in.

Jacinta had only ever been fishing once in her life when she was 8 and had never caught a fish before. (she is now 19) We decided to go to Kissing Point and fish off the wharf for a couple of hours to see how she went thinking this would be nice and gentle for her.

Loaded the trusty Charade and off we go, stopping for some servo prawns along the way.

Arrived at Kissing Point to a near capacity car park, but luckily, with such a compact car was able to find somewhere to park. Unloaded and headed to the end of the wharf.

Brett, being the good person that he is rigged us girls up with double hooks, and we where ready to go. For the first time in I dont know how long, Brett decided to also use prawns instead of his usual plastics.

Things where very slow, with only the occasional nibble and we where thinking, we are never going to get Jacinta onto her first fish, so Brett and I decided that if either of us hook up, we would set the hook and then let her bring it in, just so she could have some enjoyment.

Well I got hit, struck the hook and Jacinta was able to bring in a nice little keyring size Bream. (Unfortunately for me that was my one and only hookup for the day).

A quick kiss for the fish and back it went to fight another day.

10 minutes later Brett calls out, quick Jacinta, Im on, and he let her bring in the biggest fish of the day, a pb for her, a nice little bream of 25.5cm. Boy was she one happy girl not to mention the smile on her boyfriends face, he was stoked to say the least.

Although she had landed 2 nice fish, she was still a bit disappointed that she hadnt hooked and landed on her own. Brett is pulling in small bream and tarwine fit to beat the band. At this point I decided to start packing things up, as we where getting low on our prawn supply when all of a sudden there was this scream of Oh My God, and Jacinta had hooked and landed on her own her first ever fish. With a little instruction from Brett, she was able to get the hook out and send it back to grow into a bigger bream for her to catch later (her words). She then went on to land another 2 fish on her own in quick succession, so she is now one very happy little fisherperson that is hooked for life and cant wait to do it again.

Tally for the day, umpteen for Brett, 3 hooked and 2 assists for Jacinta and unfortunately none for me, but just to see the joy on both Jacinta and Bretts faces when she landed the 3 on her own was priceless, not to mension her very first pb legal fish.

Now she is hooked for life, and they are talking about our next fishing expedition. I also think we have ourselves a new member.

Until next time


Mrs Flightmanager

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Great report there, Mrs FM! Isn't if fun to introduce someone to fishing & find they actually like it?? Good on Jacinta for dealing with the hooks, too! :thumbup: So many balk at that!!

I can see the continuing of an obviously very fishy relationship with Brett & Jacinta! :biggrin2:

Next thing you know, they'll be getting a kayak & using 1lb fireline! :1yikes:



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Fantastic read, Cath. Well done to you and Brett for working so hard to introduce Jacinta to fishing. :thumbup:

Great to see you were rewarded for your efforts with a few fish to keep you all entertained. It wont be long before Brett has Jacinta fishing (and catching) with SP's :biggrin2:



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Great result all around Mrs Flightmanager. You've introduced a new person to the joy of fishing, Brett got to be Prince Charming and Jacinta got to catch her first fish. :thumbup:

Loved reading the report. Congrats to Jacinta and welcome if she's joining the Raider ranks.

Cheers, Slinky

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yeah that was fun

i reccon we should get kyaks and all the fish were on 4lb fire line so itll sooner than you think roberta.

now i just gotta go out and by me misses her own rod cause whats the point of bein a raider if you dont have a rod.


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Hey Brett - Wendy/Gdcalmer is selling hers - completely set up with small leccy, ff, comfy seat, anchor setup and lots more ..... pm me if you want more details ..... she should be putting an advert up soon with pics!!!



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Will be signing Jacinta up this weekend, and then Brett and I will be taking her to get her first rod.




You better watch out Mrs FM - Jacinta might hit you up for a loan on a 10 metre sailfish !

After all, she'll need a big freezer for the burley, a sizeable killbox for the yellowfin and kingies and a decent barbie to toss the fillets on....Then there's the big deck for Brett to entertain the guests while she fishes on !

That's a great story and I hope it flourishes into a lifelong relationship between them, the environment and a way of life we all know and love...

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