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Fin Nor Os Spin 65


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Hi guys,

Was just looking at purchasing a fin nor OS spin 65 (or 75) for a trip to Lord howe and some South coast work. was wondering if anyone has one or has seen one in action?

The spec's all look good (27kg of drag pressure - very large capacity etc) i've heard it called the "poor mans stella" which suits my budget down to the ground.

Any opinions would be greatly appreciated. Are there any retailers that sell them in Sydney?



Edited by damobows
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ive had a play around with them and ill put it this way i hope youve been to the gym they are a serious unit weighing in at around 2.5 kg they are a goood 750gt heavier than the comparative size stella although anyone who knows anything about the fin nor brand knows that the reels they produce are huge...there largest overhead is a bucked with a handle on it it weighs in a 9.9lb and holds 1200yds of 130lb braid so it is a huge unit..however back to the spinning reel if you like it and you can handle the weight do it the only thing id suggest is possibly a saragosa but if you need the cappaacity and 27kg drag go the fin nor they are a good brand with good history and from what i can tell a very solid unit

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Hey BB,

Thanks for your response really appreciate your feed back - I've just checked up on the weights for the OFS6500 and it says that the weight is 31.2 oz which I think is less than a kilo and I think that the 14000 Saragosa is only a few grams lighter.

Do you think that they are or feel alot heavier when you handle them? Was just wondering as I haven't handled one.


Edited by damobows
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