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Syd Harbour Nth Side


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Had to get out of the ouse early so i wouldn't have to cop an earful from mother for not doing something or other!

So got a lift with the old man to Nth Sydney to flick some plastics.

Started off next to the Navy base at where the old North Shore gas works were. Looked fishy but only caught a small chopper next to the marina. Treked around the rocks to the next point, heading west for more small chopper and one MASSIVE run which almost spooled me. Tension was lost after 10secs or so and everything came back? so maybe a big fsh just mouthed the lure? Was using black bass minnow.

Kept on treking around casting away, more baitfish and small tailor in the water, no more hits. Kept going till the entry to gore cove - found a nice drop off near the channel marker opp the Shell refianery, got one big bream follow but he didn't come back!

Had many bream follows further in gore cove right near the fisheries office where they keep the boats, clear water but no hookups! Something big was out near the morings smashing baitfish - well out of casting range!

Fisheries blokes were there didn't chack my licence - lazy buggers!

walked around past the shell refinery and up to Bay ST warf wher ethe flying squadron is - missed a nice lizard hook up!

Walked and cast all the wasy round to Greenwhich sailing club - lost my last jig head and called it a day.

NO FISH in 8 hours of fishing! (small tailor do not count!) But i did walk from wavteron to greenwhich and back!

Anyboday had any luck round there - looks fishy and no one fishes it


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No worries - i used to fish a lot round the area when i was a kid, used baits. Never caught a great deal, but there are some nice bush tracks and mid week it feels very isolated.

I will catch a bream soon, promise!

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