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Marine Ply Wood!


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Use construction ply :biggrin2:. Its exactly the same as marine ply except that it has some small voids in the inner sheets.

Costs a lot less than marine ply and has the same performance - especially for a bench seat.

Just make sure that you seal the end grain well once it has been cut.


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Use construction ply :biggrin2:. Its exactly the same as marine ply except that it has some small voids in the inner sheets.

Costs a lot less than marine ply and has the same performance - especially for a bench seat.

Just make sure that you seal the end grain well once it has been cut.


The manufacturers use construction ply, i went to get MP from a certain retailer who specialize in plywood and he said the same CP has same qualities just some voids. The hatch i made with it has been perfect the last 3 years.

PS the voids are not on the outside, it is flat.

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Fellas, the only difference between marine grade ply and CD construction ply is the outer veneer which on marine ply is a better grain. The same inner ply layers are used on both types and the same glue is used on both types. You are paying a higher price for the marine grade ply for no better result, particularly if it is to be used for seating and probably covered with vinyl padding etc.

The only thing you must do is protect the timber with an epoxy seal, usually 2 pack, and the process is necessary wether using marine grade ply or construction ply.

As Boomer says, talk to the guy in Brooky or talk to any timber supplier that knows what they're talking about - and I don't mean the labourer that loads the trucks - talk to the manager at whichever supplier you go to.

they will tell you the same thing.

Cheers, Tuffy.

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Boomer raises a good point about epoxy-most people can use it with no problem,but after using it for a few years I developed a sensitivity to it and have to use barrier cream or non- latex gloves(allergic to latex or the powder in them) before I go near the stuff,or else it triggers a persistant dermatitis.This can happen to you the first time you use it.You shouldn't even think about sanding it without a mask either.



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